Glossary of COVID-19 Terms and Phrases
This resource is intended for APIAHF partner organizations, community members, state and local health departments, and other community-based organizations seeking COVID-19 terms, phrases, and specific terminology for developing and creating in-language materials for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. Users can scroll through the respective language table and find translated terms and phrases in Samoan, Tongan, Chuukese, Marshallese, Hawaiian, and English.
This resource is updated on a rolling basis and was last updated on August 17, 2021.
For technical assistance on how to use the glossary and to request additional terms, please contact APIAHF.
Gagana Faa-Sāmoa / Samoan
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Tusi Fa’amatala o Fa’aupuga ma Fuaitau o le KOVITI-19 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| Leai ni Āuga:
O se tagata e leai ni āuga po o ni fa’ailoga ma’i o iai (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Tagata faigaluega mo le Soifua Manuia o le lautele:
O le tagata ta’imua ua fa’atuatuaina ma ua iai le tomai fa’apitoa mo le tautuaina o tagata lautele (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Fa’amaoniga ua maua i le KOVITI-19:
Ripoti o le tagata ua a’afia i le KOVITI-19 fa’atasi ai ma su’eus’ega ua fa’amaonia mai e le falesu’etoto (3).
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| Lē Puipuia/A’afiaga:
Ua a’afia, po’o ua iai ni uiga e fa’amaonia ai ua maua i le fa’ama’i (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Auaunaga Fesoasoani Muamua:
Leoleo, Auaunaga o le Tineimū, Auaunaga o le Falema’i ma Auaunaga mo fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i (3). |
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Soifua manuia o Tagata Faigaluega:
E ono mafai ona a’afia tagata o lo’o tautua i le Soifua Maloloina mai i tagata gasegase po’o ni meafaitino ua fa’aleagaina e le fa’ama’i, e aofia ai sua o le tino, o meafaigaluega a le falema’i; o meafaigaluega mo le fa’amamaina o le si’osi’omaga; po’o le ea (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| Fua fa’atatau o le fa’ama’i:
Mai le taimi na amata ai ona a’afia i le siama o le fa’ama’i se’ia o’o ina alia’e mai āuga (3).
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Fa’anofoesea:
Tu’u’eseina lea o tagata ua a’afia i fa’amai pipisi ina ne’i pipisi atu i isi ma taofia ai le pipisi tele atu i tua (3).
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Aiga To’atele:
Sili atu ma le lua augātupulaga o lo’o nonofo fa’atasi i le Aiga e tasi (3).
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Tagata ua masalomia i le KOVITI-19:
O lo’o maua i su’esu’ega le a’afia ai i le KOVITI-19 ae e lē o iai se fa’amaoniga mai le falesu’etoto (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Fa’anofo va’ava’aia (Fa’aasu):
Tu’u’eseina lea o tagata ua masalomia na iai i se nofoaga na pipisi ai le fa’ama’i ae leai ni āuga o alia’e mai ai auā puipuiga o le pepesi o le fa’ama’i (3).
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Vā saogalēmū:
Ia 6 futu le vā o le isi tagata ma le isi tagata ina ia fa’aitiitia ai le pepesi atu o le fa’ama’i (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| Alia’e mai āuga:
Ua fa’aalia fa’ailoga ma āuga o le fa’ama’i po’o se manu’a (5).
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| Talitonuga i tui-puipui:
ua iai le fa’atuatuaga o tagata gasegase, o latou aiga ma tagata o le soifua maloloina i: tui puipui ua fautuaina; o lē e faia le tui puipui; ma le fa’agasologa ma tulafono ua gaosia ai tui puipui, fa’alaiseneina ma le fa’atagana, gaosiaina ma le fautuaina i le fa’aaogaina (2).
Lea Faka-Tonga / Tongan
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Ko e Fakatataa mo e ‘uhinga ‘o e ngaahi lea ‘oku ngaue’aki kihe COVID-19. |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| ‘Ikai ‘asi ha faka’ilonga ‘oe mahaki:
Ko ha taha ‘oku ‘ikai ke ‘asi ha faka’ilonga ‘oku ne ma’u ‘a e mahaki (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Kau ngaue ‘ae potungaue mo’ui ‘ihe komiuniti:
Ko kinautolu ‘oku ngaue ‘ihe Public Health, (Potungaue mo’ui) pea falala’anga pea ne mahino’i mo ‘ilo ki he komiuniti ‘oku fai kiai ‘a e ngaue (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Ma’u ‘ehe COVID-19:
Kuo fakapapau’i kuo ma’u ‘a e taha ko’eni ‘i he mahaki fakatatau ki he ola ‘o e sivi (3).
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| ‘Asi kitua:
‘Oku hoko eni ‘ihe taimi ‘oku feohi mo ha tokotaha ‘oku ne ‘osi ma’u ‘a e mahaki ni (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Kau Ngaue/Tokoni fetu’utaki ‘uluaki:
Kau Polisi, Tamate Afi, mo e kau ngaue tokoni fakafaito’o fakatamaki fakat’upakē ‘ihe potungaue kihe ngaahi me’a fakatu’utamaki hange koe 911 (3).
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Kau Ngaue kihe Mo’ui Lelei ‘a e kakai moe kau Tauhi Mahaki:
Kau ngaue ihe feitu’u ‘oku ma’u tokoni kiai ‘ae kau mahaki ‘o talatala, ngaahi me’a ngaue ‘oku ngaue’aki kihe kau mahaki pe koe kau tauhi pe koe manava ‘aki ha ‘ea oku ‘iai e siemu moe mahaki (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| Vaha’a taimi ‘oku pipihi ai e siemu:
Taimi ‘oku ‘asi ai e mahaki ‘pe ko ha faka’ilonga ‘oku ‘asi e mahaki ‘iha taha ki tu’a he sino (3).
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Fakamavahe’i:
Fakamavahe’i ‘a e tokotaha pe ko ha kulupu ‘oku puke ‘i he mahaki meihe toenga ‘oe kakai ke fakasi’isi’i ‘ae mafola ‘ae mahaki (3).
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Ngaahi To’u kehekehe ‘oku nau nofo fakataha:
Ngaahi famili ‘oku nau nofo mo e ngaahi to’u kehekehe hange ko e tamai mo e ongomatu’a mo’enau kui (3).
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Tokotaha ngalingali lahi ‘oku ma’u ‘ihe COVID-19:
Ko ha tokoaha ngalingali pe ‘oku ‘osi ma’u ‘ehe COVID-19 pea ‘oku te’eki ke ‘iai hano fakapapau’i (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Fakamavahe’i:
Ko hono fakamavahe’i, fakamama’o ‘o e kulupu pe ko ha kakai koe faka’ehi’ehi ‘o e mafola moe pipihi ‘a e mahaki neongo ‘oku ‘ikai ha faka’ilonga ‘o e mafola ‘a e mahaki (3).
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Nofo Vamama’o:
Ko e lahi ange ‘a e tauhi ‘oe nofo vamama’o meihe tokotaha kotoa pe, koe faka’ehi’ehi ia meihe mafola moe movete ‘ae mahaki pipihi pea mo tauhi ‘ae fute ‘e 6 meihe tokotaha kotoa pe tatau pe ‘oku puke pe ‘ikai (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| ‘Asi e Faka’ilonga ‘o e mahaki:
‘Asi e faka’ilonga ‘oe mahaki pe koha lavea pe ‘oku toe ‘iai moha ngaahi faka’ilonga kehe (5).
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| Huhu Falala mo tui kihe Faito’o:
Ko e falala mo’oni ‘a e kakai, ngaahi famili moe kau Toketa, Neesi kau tauhi ki he: Ko e poupou kihe faito’o hange koe ngaahi huhu ‘oku tufaki ke tokoni ki he ngaahi kautaha ‘oku nau ngaahi ‘ae faito’o huhu malu’i ke hokohoko atu ‘a hono ngaue’aki (2).
Trukese /Chuukese
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Ekkóch awewen féúféún fóós me ekkóch fóósun (néúnéún kapas) ren ei COVID-19 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| Emén aramas ese mwo wor esinesin seni iká nikinikin nge ese wor ekkewe esisinen semwen ren (4). |
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Ewe chóón angangen an mwuun en pioing mei ani ewe sókkun angang a men namwot me mei pwan watte an aramas (an ewe chóó) núkúnúk wón iká mei unuséóch an weweiti ekkewe aramas (chóó) e angang ngenir (1). |
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Esinesin pwe en aramas a angei pwúngún an tes nge a úri ewe semwenin COVID-19 (3). |
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| Piin kinengeni iká atapa met ewe mei efisatá iká met ewe mei wor ren ew esisinen eóch sókkun osukosuken semwen (3). |
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Ekkewe chóón angangen épéchékúna énnúk (ponis), ekkewe chóón angangen kunukun ekkei, ekkewe chóón angangen pioing re angang ngeni osukosuk mei atapwanapwan, me ekkewe meinap iká mei watte wiser re wisen emweni mwékútúkút nupwen e wor osukosuk mei atapwanapwan (3). |
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Ekkewe aramas re angang ngeni pekin pioing nge mei tufich ar repwe nómw únnúkkún iká ren emén mei wor ren ekkewe esisinen semwen iká a fen úri ewe semwen. Mei pwan tufich ar repwe nómw únnúkkún iká ren ekkewe aramas ese wor esisinen semwen rer nge ir mei piin nómw ren me únnúkkún emén mei úri semwen. Mei pwan tufich ar repwe kanengeni ekkewe pisek me mettóch mei emecheresi fetánin semwen awewe ren inisin aramas; ekkewe pisekin pioing mei nimengaw ik á tori en menún semwen, pisekin mecha (device), me mwesin; ekkewe neni mei nimengaw iká wor ménún en semwen ian; me en asepwan mei nimengaw iká a wor ménún semwen ian (3). |
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| En fansoun, nefinen an emén a úri en semwenin paiking me tori an a poputá ne tori ekkewe esisinen semwen (3). |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Angangen eimwuni en aramas iká ekkóch aramas (mwiicheich) a fat iká mei wor wewen ach sipwe núkú pwe a úrir ewe ménún semwen ren communicable disease seni ekkewe ese mwo úrir ei semwen pwe epwe epeti fetánin ei ménún semwen. (Communicable disease a wewe ngeni ew sókkun semwen mei mecheres an epwe tori emén me emén aramas seni ar tupw iká atapa ekkewe mettóch mei wor en ménún semwen wón, chénún néné e etto seni emén aramas, cha, semwen mei fetán nón asepwan me pwan seni kúen maan) (3). |
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Chóóchóón nón en imw iir mi nap seni ruu pinon asramas iir mei chék nómwofengen seni kúkkún, watte, chinap me pwan ekkóch me núkkúr (3). |
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Esinesin pwe nikinikin nge mei wor esisinen ewe semwenin COVID-19 wón en aramas me mei piin nómw únnúkkún iká kinengeni emén mei úri ei semwen iká sái ngeni ekkewe neni mei watte ei semwen ren nge ese mwo angei pwúngúnón an tes pwe mei úri ei semwenin COVID-19 (3). |
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Angangen eimwuni en aramas iká ekkan aramas (mwiicheich) mei wor wewen ach sipwe núkú pwe a úrir ewe ménún semwen ren communicable disease seni ekkewe ese mwo úrir ei semwen pwe epwe epeti fetánin ei ménún semwen ina mwo iká ese mwo pwá iká wor rer ekkewe esisinen semwen. (Communicable disease a wewe ngeni ew sókkun semwen mei mecheres an epwe tori emén me emén aramas seni ar tupw iká atapa ekkewe mettóch mei wor en ménún semwen wón, chénún néné e etto seni emén aramas, cha, semwen mei fetán nón asepwan me pwan seni kúen maan) (3). |
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Angangen feri an epwe wámwóng nefinen emén me emén aramas me ékkúkkúnatiw fansoun kinefengen ren an epwe éúkúkú fetánin semwen; Mei éóch an epwe wor onu fiit nefinen meinisin aramas, pwan mwo ekkewe aramas ese wor ekkewe esisinen semwen rer iká rese semwen (4). |
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| Pwáranó pwe mei wor ekkewe esisinen semwen me feingaw iká mei wor eóch (ew) sókkun esisinen semwen ren (5). |
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| Ew núkúnúk mei wor ren ekkewe mei semwen, ar famini, me ekkewe tóktér nón: ekkewe oppos me sáfei mei wor éúréúr an aramas repwe angei; tóktér iká ekkewe chóón oppos; me angangen me énnúk mei emweni féfférún en oppos, an epwe wor naisen me mwuumwuután aian, férún, me éúréúr ren aian (2). |
Kajin M̧ajeļ / Marshallese
English | Definition |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| Juon armij eo ejjelok kokalle in naninmij ibben (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Rijerbal ilo juon jukjukun pad ikijien ejmour:
Juon eo ej jerbal imaan juon jukjukun pad im elap liki ibben ak juon eo elukkun melele kin jukjukun pad eo (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Repoot in juon armij eo eor naninmij in Covid-19 ibben im eor kamool ko jen lab ke eor naninmij in ibben (3). |
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| Ejjedwawa:
Emoj am jelot juon men eo ej boktok, ak emoj am bok jet kadkad ko enaj jelmae im boktok naninmej ko (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Armij ro jinountata rej uwaak kir non jiban:
Juon eo ej bok edron kien, ro rej jeral ikijien kijeek, ro rej jerbal im jiban ikijien naninmij ko reidrin, rijerbal ro an kien im rej karok im keboj aolep plaan ko ne ej wor juon idin (3).
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Rijiban ikijien ejmour:
Ro rej jerbal ilo jikin bok ejmour im remaron ioon ak jelmae ro eor naninmij ibbeir ak kein jerbal ko emoj aer jerbal im naninmij ko rekabobo ko emoj uniri nuknuk ko, kein jerbal ko an haujpital, device ko, kab juon jikin eo mejatoto eo ie ejjab kanooj emman (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| Kotaan ien eo kwar ioon e juon naninmij lok non ien eo kwar jino am enjake ke kwonaninmij (3). |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Jenolok:
Jepel jen elon armij ak group ko, ke juon armij ej naninmej ej aikuj in kejepel e make bwe naninmej en jab eajeeded im en jab lelok nan ro jet (3).
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Kabijuknen eo eor ebbeben ko ie:
Juon kabijuknen eo eor ebbeben ko rej jokwe ilowan (3).
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Repoot in juon armij eo eor kokallen naninmij in covid-19 ako ejjelok kein kamol jen lab eo (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Korantiin:
Jonolok eo an juon armij ako juon kumi in armij ro im emoj aer jade non naninmij in im rej kile ke eor naninmij in covid ibbeir im rej aikuj bed ettolok jen ro im ejjelok naninmij ibbeir im bwe naninmij in en jab ajeded (3). |
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Katolok yuk jen ro jet:
Elanne joun armij e naninmej ak tomak ke emoj an bok juon naninmej jen ro jet, ej aikuj kojenolok e make bwe en jab kajeedede naninmej en (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| Kokallen juon naninmij:
Kakollan naninmij ko ak joran ko rej walok ak juon men eo ej jelot juon naninmij (5). |
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| E Ri-naninmej ak baamle eo an elon loke ippaer. Juon vaccine eo elap ronjan kake. Emoj komaron im malejjon e, kio ro rej jerbal ibben vaccine rej rejoan aolep bwe ren boke (2). |
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Definition |
| A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness (4).
Community health worker:
| A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
| Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence (3).
Efficacy Rate: | A measure used to describe how good a vaccine is at preventing disease. |
| Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem (3).
| Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials (3). |
Health Clinics: | Are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and veterans. |
Healthcare Personnel:
| People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air (3).
Immunity: | Protection against a disease. |
Immunization: | The process of being made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. It implies that you have had an immune response. |
Incubation Period:
| Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms (3).
Incubation period: | The time from contact with infectious agents (bacteria or viruses) to onset of disease. |
Infectious: | Capable of spreading disease. |
| The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease (3).
Multigenerational Household:
| Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof (3).
Outbreak: | The occurrence of cases of disease in excess of what would normally be expected in a defined community, geographical area, and/or season, but in lower than epidemic numbers. |
Probable COVID-19 Case:
| Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence (3). |
| The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease (3).
Side Effect: | Undesirable reaction resulting from immunization. |
Social distancing:
| The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic (4).
Susceptible: | Unprotected against disease. |
| Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom (5).
Vaccine Efficacy: | Refers to vaccine protection measured in RCTs usually under optimal conditions where vaccine storage and delivery are monitored and participants are usually healthy. |
Vaccine confidence:
| The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use (2). |
Variant: | When a virus enters a host, it invades cells and creates more copies of itself. Every time this happens, its genetic material can change through mutations. A mutated virus results in a variant. New variants of any virus, including COVID-19, are expected. |
Virus: | A tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and hepatitis. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics, the drugs used to kill bacteria. |
mRNA: | Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is genetic material that tells your
body how to make proteins. |
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Ka Papa Wehewehe ʻŌlelo o nā Huaʻōlelo a ʻŌlelo COVID-19 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| ʻŌuli Maʻi ʻOle - ʻAʻohe ʻŌuli Maʻi:
He kanaka me ka ʻole o nā ʻōuli maʻi.
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Limahana olakino kaiāulu:
He limahana ola lehulehu me nā pilina i ia kaiāulu a kamaʻāina maikaʻi i nā ʻano o ia kaiāulu kekahi.
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Maʻi COVID-19 Hōʻoia ʻia:
Hōʻike ʻia ka maʻi o ke kanaka i ka maʻi lele COVID-19 a ua ʻāpono hoʻi me nā hōʻike keʻena hoʻokolohua.
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| Launa mua i ka maʻi:
Ka launa mua ʻana i kekahi mea e hoʻomaʻi ai iā ʻoe, a me ke kumu o kekahi maʻi a i ʻole pilikia olakino.
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Nā Limahana Hiki Mua Ma Nā Uila:
Nā mākaʻi, kinai ahi, nā ʻoihana olakino uila, a me nā kānaka hoʻokele uila
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Nā Limahana Olakino:
Nā limahana o nā wahi olakino e ʻike ʻia ana paha i ka poʻe a i ʻole nā mea i maʻi ʻia e laʻa me nā mea pilikino, nā mea hoʻolako olakino a mauhaʻa I hoʻohaumia paha ʻia I ka maʻi; nā mea e hoʻopuni ana I hoʻohaumia paha ʻia I ka maʻi; a I ʻole ke ea i hoʻohaumia paha ʻia i ka maʻi.
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| Ka wā ma waena o ka hoʻomaʻi mua ʻia a me ka hōʻike ʻana o nā ʻōuli maʻi:
Ka wā ma waena o ka hoʻomaʻi mua ʻia a me ka hōʻike ʻana o nā ʻōuli maʻi.
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Hoʻokaʻawale:
Ka hoʻokaʻawale ʻana I nā kānaka maʻi mai ka poʻē ʻē aʻe i mea e hoʻomaʻi ʻole ʻia lākou a i mea e kanahaʻi ai nā maʻi ahulau.
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Home Hanauna:
He hale e noho ana ʻelua a ʻoi hanauna ma lalo o ke kaupoku hoʻokahi.
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Maʻi paha i ke COVID-19:
Ua maʻi paha kekahi a ua kō ʻia nā koi ma ka nānā a me ka lapaʻau a me nā koina olakino lehulehu akā ʻaʻole i hōʻoia ʻia ma nā hōʻike keʻena hoʻokolohua.
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Hoʻomalu Maʻi:
Ka hoʻokaʻawale ʻana i nā kānaka i maʻi paha ʻia akā ʻaʻole hōʻike ʻia nā ʻōuli maʻi mai ka poʻe ʻē aʻe i maʻi ʻole i mea e kanahaʻi ai ka laha o ka maʻi lele.
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Ka hoʻokaʻawale pono ʻana:
ʻO kēia hana ka hoʻokaʻawale ʻana ma waena o nā kānaka e kanahaʻi ai ka hoʻolaha ʻana i ka maʻi lele; he hoʻokaʻawale ʻana he 6 kapuaʻi ma waena o ka poʻe a pau, ʻo ka poʻe ʻōuli maʻi ʻole kekahi.
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| ʻŌuli Maʻi:
Hōʻke ʻia nā ʻōuli maʻi e hōʻike ana i ka maʻi, ka ʻeha, a i ʻole kekahi ʻōuli maʻi kiko’ī.
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| Ka hilinaʻi i ka lāʻau koʻokoʻo:
Ka hilinaʻi o nā mea maʻi, nā ʻohana, a me nā mea hoʻolako/limahana olakino i: nā lāʻau koʻokoʻo, nā limahana e ʻō ai i ka lāʻau koʻokoʻo; ke kaʻina hana a me nā kulekele o ka hoʻokumu lāʻau koʻokoʻo, ka hoʻāmana a me ka ʻae ʻana i nā laikini, nā hana kāpili, a me nā ʻōlelo aʻo no ka hoʻohana ʻana.
Ōlelo Hawaiʻi / Hawaiian
1. American Public Health Association. (n.d.). Community Health Workers. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 3). Building Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,%2C%20and%20recommendations%20for%20use.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Appendices. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) in Correctional and Detention Facilities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
5. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021, July 2). Symptomatic: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.
This resource is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $3,300,000 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.